The Made-in-Canada crime wave is flooding our streets.

July 16, 2024

As we witness theft, extortion, and violent crime rise to unprecedented levels across our cities and towns nationwide, Canadians have had enough and are demanding change from the disastrous policies that have led to chaos in our neighborhoods.

Watch and listen as my guest, Brad Redekopp MP, and I discuss the concerning rise in crime throughout the country, how the Government’s bail reform has been an absolute failure, and much more.

Canada is No Longer Competitive

July 5, 2024

Canada is losing its competitive edge to monopolization.

Whether the average person is looking at their phone bill, the price of their plane ticket, or even simply walking down the aisles of a grocery store, they’re probably asking themselves:

“Why are prices so high, and why are there so few options to choose from?”

Listen as my guest, Ryan Williams MP Bay of Quinte, and I discuss more about how Canadians are paying a hefty price for limited choices, how the Government is poised to continue abetting big corporations, and much more.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Part 2)

June 25, 2024

We’re back with another installment of the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly!

After another long and hard-fought Parliamentary session that is now in the books, let’s take a closer look at some of the most memorable moments and highlight what 2024 has had to offer (so far).

Watch and listen as Tom Kmiec and Kelly McCauley join me on this special segment of the Blueprint podcast.

The Pension Protection Scheme

June 18, 2024

They’re looking out for their pensions!

In the height of the Government’s unpopularity and with every attempt to save their electoral fortunes going nowhere, they’ve introduced Bill C-65, The Electoral Participation Act, as a last-ditch effort to raid the cookie jar before Canadians head to the polls in the next election.

Watch and listen as my guest, Michael Cooper, and I dive into the details inside this self-serving piece of legislation, how the Government and their coalition partners are desperate to downgrade and delay our democratic process for their own benefit, and much more.

A victory for freedom of choice!

June 4, 2024

Just last week, the House of Commons voted in favour of common sense legislation, introduced by MP Blaine Calkins, in Bill C-368 An Act the Amend the Food and Drugs Act (Natural Health Products).

This Bill has now passed its 2nd reading and will now proceed to committee for further study.

Watch and listen as we discuss the Government’s obsession with red-tape and regulations on the products Canadians consume on a daily basis, and much more.

Canada is going hungry.

May 29, 2024

Our nation, the envy of the world to many, is going hungry.

Food Bank Canada’s 2024 Poverty Report Card shows that almost 50% of Canadians feel financially worse off compared to last year while 25% of Canadians are experiencing food insecurity.

With millions of Canadians putting their grocery bill on their credit cards, time has long passed to bring home lower prices and let Canadians bring home powerful paychecks.

Watch and listen as my guest, Lianne Rood M.P., and I take a closer look at the troubling numbers that contribute to food insecurity nationwide, how the Government continues to make things worse by spending billions on new programs, and much more.

Canadian families are in for sky-high costs approaching the Summer break

May 21, 2024

Whether you’re in the checkout line buying groceries, or filling your tank up at the gas station, Canadian families are in for a whirlwind of sky-high costs as they approach the Summer break.

As the Government continues to ignore the countless pleas to bring down prices, our Common Sense Team is is calling for the Government to suspend all gas and diesel taxes from Victoria Day to Labour Day so that our family, friends, and neighbors can finally have a summer break from inflation.

Watch and listen as my guest, Branden Leslie, and I dive deeper into what’s in store for the average family this summer, how Canadians are worried about what the future may hold under the current Government, and much more.

A Made-in-Canada Drug Crisis

May 7, 2024

The idea and implementation of “safe supply” has been nothing short of a disaster for the health and wellbeing of Canada’s most vulnerable. With over 42,000 overdose deaths since 2015, and with over 50% of all hydromorphone seizures occurring from taxpayer-funded drugs, we must reverse course.

When will the government realize that they are putting tens thousands of more lives at risk every single day by not addressing Canada’s drug crisis in the most serious of terms?

Listen as my guest, Laila Goodridge, and I dive deeper into what is happening on our streets nationwide, how municipal and provincial governments are pleading for common sense solutions, and much more.

The Prime Minister’s obsession over censorship continues.

May 1, 2024

As Canadians are still reminded of the baffling outset of Bills C-11 and C-18, the Government has doubled down with their new piece of legislation, Bill C-63 the Online Harms Act; adding more bureaucracy and roadblocks that will ultimately hinder freedom of speech online.

Watch and listen as my guest, Rachael Thomas, MP, and I dive into the Government’s troubling plans to control what you read, watch, and say online, and much more.

Beijing’s Interference in Canada

April 23, 2024

For far too long, the Government has consistently downplayed the threat of foreign interference by state actors in Canada’s electoral process.

After repeatedly making excuses as to why he wasn’t briefed on critical reports, even going so far as to question the reliability of the intelligence coming from CSIS, a recent public inquiry revealed that the Prime Minister’s top staffers were, in fact, informed of alleged Beijing interference.

“Ignorance is bliss”.

Watch and listen as my guest, Michael Cooper, and I dissect the ongoing investigation into what the Prime Minister and his top officials know, and much more.

It’s Budget Day! (but you may want to hold your applause)

April 17, 2024

As Canadians from across the country continue to witness the doubling of mortgage payments, massive interest rate hikes, and sky-high deficits without any end in sight, the Government is set to spend $52.4 Billion just to service their debt over the past 8 years.

Despite the troubling numbers, our Common Sense Team has presented 3 simple demands for the upcoming budget that would bring relief to those struggling to make ends meet:

🪓 Axe the Tax on Farmers, Food, and Fuel

🏡 Build Homes, Not Bureaucracy

💰 Cap Government Spending with a dollar-for-dollar rule to bring down inflation

Watch and listen as my guest, Jasraj Singh Hallan, and I discuss the government’s impending spending spree, how Canadians will be footing the bill, and much more.

Canada’s Affordability Crisis

April 9, 2024

The affordability crisis has reached new heights and everyday Canadians are at their wits’ end.

The Bank of Canada has rapidly been hiking interest rates, the most we’ve ever seen since its inception, which has left millions of Canadians to cover absurd costs as they renew their mortgages.

What will it take for the Government to understand that struggling families can’t afford high taxes, higher inflationary spending, or especially the highest interest rates our country has ever seen?

Watch and listen as my guest, Brad Redekopp MP, and I dive deeper into the policies that are affecting Canadian pocketbooks, why home prices are set to continue to increase for years to come, and much more.

This was no April Fools joke. The numbers at the pumps are no laughing matter.

April 2, 2024

The federal government has increased the carbon tax to $80 per tonne; squeezing every last dollar out of the wallets of everyday Canadians as it drives the cost-of-living through the roof.

Despite our efforts on the opposition benches, Canadians will continue to suffer through high taxes and high costs so long as the costly coalition remains in power.

We are listening to all Canadians from coast, to coast, to coast, and our team is dedicated to continuing our efforts to axe the tax on all goods to bring home lower prices, and to put a stop to perpetual inflationary spending.

Watch and listen as my guest, Greg McLean, and I dive deeper into the numbers of this massive tax increase, how the carbon tax will continue effect industries across the country, and much more.

The current government has done an absolute disservice to the safety and wellbeing of everyday citizens.

March 26, 2024

Names such as Luka Magnotta, Paul Bernardo, and many others strike a sensitive chord with Canadians. The history of their crimes, and the impact they have had on so many innocent lives, is a stark reminder of how we must address notorious criminals in a greater context.

The current government has done an absolute disservice to the safety and wellbeing of everyday citizens by providing serial killers like these with the privileges and freedoms that so many less-fortunate Canadians could only dream of.

Watch and listen as my guest, Frank Caputo, and I crack down on the details around prison transfers for repeat offenders, how Canada’s authorities are dropping the ball on community safety, how we must advocate for “Jail. Not Bail”, and much more.

Uncovering ArriveCan (Yet Again)

March 19, 2024

Uncovering corruption is never an easy task, and the current Government certainly doesn’t make it any easier. The ArriveCan saga has reached a point to where Canadians not only know that $60 million of their money was spent on an app that nobody wanted and didn’t work, but they now know after numerous testimonies that GC Strategies is “proud” of the app they created. The same app that wrongfully put people into unnecessary quarantine and divided Canadians from one another. Watch and listen as my guest, Larry Brock, and I provide updates on the testimonies happening in committee, how the government granted the 2-person IT firm $20 million through a cozy contract, and much more.

Canadians are living in fear for their safety.

March 7, 2024

Across the country, Canadians are living in fear for the safety of their families and the security of their futures. Crime and extortion have been on a massive increase over the past several years and the Government’s soft-on-crime policies have created nothing but a rate of extortion that is five times higher than it was a decade ago. Violent criminals rightfully deserve jail, and not bail. Canadians deserve common sense policies to make their lives better. Watch and listen as my guest, Tim S. Uppal, and I dive into the crime wave that has impacted families, businesses, and individuals nationwide, and much more.

How did the Trudeau Liberals turn $80,000 into $60 million?

February 28, 2024

It’s simple. They hired their friends, and they fleeced Canadians by giving tax dollars to those friends. As people across the country are struggling to keep the heat on and to put food on the table, Justin Trudeau has managed to waste millions on the ArriveCan app; an app that doesn’t work and numerous insiders are now being exposed for their blatant corruption. Watch and listen as my guest, Stephanie Kusie, and I analyze what happened during last week’s ArriveCan testimonies, how the Liberals are desperate to cover up yet another scandal, and much more.

In Canada, we owe the world to our men and women in uniform.

February 21, 2024

After sacrificing their lives, and after serving our country with tenacity and strength, the way the Trudeau Liberals have dealt with ongoing issues happening at Veterans Affairs Canada is nothing short of a tragedy. Where is the common-sense? Watch and listen as my guest, Blake Richards, and I talk about the challenges Canada’s Veterans face on a daily basis, the overarching presence of MAiD, the broken benefits system, and much more.

It’s time to pump the breaks.

February 13, 2024

Car thefts are on a rapid increase across the country; upwards of 100% in cities like Ottawa and Montreal, over 300% in Toronto, all while car insurance payouts total more than $1 BILLION as a result of the Liberals catch-and-release policies that leave Canadians at a huge risk. Watch and listen as my guest, Jasraj Singh Hallan, and I talk about the drastic rise in auto-theft nationwide, how the extortion crisis has created a wave of gang-related crime, and much more.

MAiD Update

February 8, 2024

Canadians know full well that the Medical Assistance in Dying regime has been nothing but an extremist ploy to end the lives of Canada’s most vulnerable and will change the lives of their loved ones forever. It is time to take a stand, and Conservatives will never give up in the fight to save everyday Canadians from government assisted suicide. Watch and listen as my guests, Michael Cooper, Dr. Stephen Ellis, and I grill the Trudeau Liberals over their obsession to expand MAiD even further, and much more.

Join host and Member of Parliament Jamie Schmale for a look at the hottest topics hitting Canada’s political landscape, and how they might impact Canadians.
