The Prime Minister’s obsession over censorship continues.

May 1, 2024

As Canadians are still reminded of the baffling outset of Bills C-11 and C-18, the Government has doubled down with their new piece of legislation, Bill C-63 the Online Harms Act; adding more bureaucracy and roadblocks that will ultimately hinder freedom of speech online.

Watch and listen as my guest, Rachael Thomas, MP, and I dive into the Government’s troubling plans to control what you read, watch, and say online, and much more.

Time to Defund the CBC?

October 27, 2023

When Canadians witness world events and wish to get updated on issues facing our country, we are often asking ourselves, “Am I getting the full story? “Well, Justin Trudeau only wants you to hear their side of story, leaving pressing questions from viewers at home to be asked, but not answered. Watch and listen as my guest, Rachael Thomas, MP, and I take a closer look at the CBC’s role in selective reporting, Pierre Poilievre’s now viral media interview in the apple orchard and much more.

Independent media in the crosshairs

July 12, 2023

Step by step, the Trudeau Government is deliberately getting in the way of what people can see and share online. Bill C-18 gives far too much power to the government to regulate without limitation and is one more example of the government choosing to side with large corporate media while shutting down small, local and independent news. Conservatives believe that we need to find a solution where Canadians can continue to freely access news content online, in addition to fairly compensating Canadian news outlets. We offered amendments to the Bill that would fix these issues, but they were voted down by the Liberals and NDP. Here to discuss the latest Liberal-NDP fiasco is Rachael Thomas,

Join host and Member of Parliament Jamie Schmale for a look at the hottest topics hitting Canada’s political landscape, and how they might impact Canadians.
