It’s Budget Day! (but you may want to hold your applause)

April 17, 2024

As Canadians from across the country continue to witness the doubling of mortgage payments, massive interest rate hikes, and sky-high deficits without any end in sight, the Government is set to spend $52.4 Billion just to service their debt over the past 8 years.

Despite the troubling numbers, our Common Sense Team has presented 3 simple demands for the upcoming budget that would bring relief to those struggling to make ends meet:

🪓 Axe the Tax on Farmers, Food, and Fuel

🏡 Build Homes, Not Bureaucracy

💰 Cap Government Spending with a dollar-for-dollar rule to bring down inflation

Watch and listen as my guest, Jasraj Singh Hallan, and I discuss the government’s impending spending spree, how Canadians will be footing the bill, and much more.

Inflation: the tax on everything and everyone

August 22, 2023

As Canadians struggle with a shrinking grocery cart, spiraling heating costs, and uncertainty at the end of each month, frustration is mounting in regards to the Liberal government’s lack of planning and the consequence at every kitchen table in the Country. Here to unpack it is MP Jasraj Singh Hallan Shadow Minister of Finance and Middle Class Prosperity and Vice-Chair of the Finance Committee.

The Blueprint: Trudeau’s Budget with Jasraj Singh

April 11, 2023

After 8 years of the Liberal failed government, Canadians are left with higher taxes higher deficits and less money in their bank account at the end of the day. Jasraj Singh joins us this week to discuss the latest Liberal budget.

Sometimes, the problem is Government.

October 12, 2022

The argument isn’t always Conservative vs. Liberal. Sometimes, the problem is Government itself, and the issues are baked in. Today’s Blueprint is a crossover episode with Jasraj Singh Hallan, MP for Calgary-Forest Lawn and host of the “All that Jas” Podcast, along with Richard Bragdon, MP for Tobique-Mactaquac.

Join host and Member of Parliament Jamie Schmale for a look at the hottest topics hitting Canada’s political landscape, and how they might impact Canadians.
