A Win for Canada’s energy workers – The No-More-Pipelines Bill is No More!

October 19, 2023

A Win for Canada’s energy workers – The No-More-Pipelines Bill is No More! The Supreme Court of Canada recently ruled that the Liberals own Bill C-69 (also known as the No-More-Pipelines Bill) was deemed unconstitutional and decided to rightfully strike it down for the benefit of all citizens. Families across the country have been going through some of the worst times we’ve seen in decades, leaving many to choose between heating their home, and feeding their kids. After 8 years of Trudeau’s energy policies, the last thing Canadians need is to be left in the dark. Listen, as our guests Larry Brock, Glen Motz, and I shine a light on how this issue came to fruition, and much more on this episode of the Blueprint podcast.

Join host and Member of Parliament Jamie Schmale for a look at the hottest topics hitting Canada’s political landscape, and how they might impact Canadians.
