Liberals put their friends first in Atlantic Canada

May 3, 2018

Today on The Blueprint: Canada’s Conservative Podcast, Member of Parliament Todd Doherty, Shadow Minister for Fisheries and Oceans, joins host Tony Clement, Shadow Minister for Public Services and Procurement, to discuss the Arctic surf clam scandal in Newfoundland and Labrador. Intended to be a step towards reconciliation and fair access to Atlantic Canada’s surf clam industry, Fisheries Minister Dominic Leblanc has instead awarded a lucrative contract to his colleague, Liberal MP Darrell Samson’s, brother. This surprise decision will cost the community of Grand Bank jobs and Justin Trudeau’s Liberals are failing to be honest with Canadians.

Join host and Member of Parliament Jamie Schmale for a look at the hottest topics hitting Canada’s political landscape, and how they might impact Canadians.
